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and our Decorating Team will get back to you within 48 hours to discuss options and availability!
Store Hours:
Tues.-Friday 7:00am-5:00pm,
Sat 7:30am-4pm, Sun 7:30am-12pm
Join us in supporting our Local Girl Scouts with these fun and festive donuts!
Available Friday's and Saturday's: Mar 7,8,14,15,21,22,28,29 only!
Thin Mint: fluffy Hollywood donut, dipped in chocolate fudge, drizzled with fudge and mint flavored icings, topped with mint buttercream, and a Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie!
Caramel deLite: fluffy Hollywood donut, dipped in chocolate fudge, toasted coconut, drizzled with both caramel and fudge, caramel buttercream, and a Caramel deLite Girl Scout cookie!
Peanut Butter Patties: fluffy Hollywood donut, dipped in chocolate fudge, drizzled with peanut butter, peanut butter buttercream, and a Peanut Butter Pattie Girl Scout cookie!
All Girl Scout donuts are $3.25/each or save with a 6pack at $18.99!!
Store Hours
Mon - Closed
Tue thru Fri: 7:00am-5pm
Saturday 7:30am-4:00pm
Sunday 7:30 - 12:00pm
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